Hire Rates
Hunsdon Village Hall aim to maintain our charges at the most economical rates for both local and private hirers, whilst ensuring there is sufficient income to keep the hall running and maintain it in a condition that people would wish.
Hire fees have remained static for over three years despite pressure from rising prices however from 1st April 2023 the VHMC has agreed a price rise which remains competitive with other local halls. (The new prices are listed below)
The Village Hall Management Committee have therefore agreed to three distinct scales of charges:-
1) PRIVATE HIRES - for events such as children's parties, family functions, weddings, business meetings and away days etc. which tend to be one off events.
2) PRIVATE REGULAR - hires where the hall is used for a recurring class, activity or business such as Fitsteps, Pilates etc. and is booked in advance with a minimum of 8 sessions. Hire charges are invoiced one month in arrears to the hirer.
3) VILLAGE HALL ORGANISATIONS such as Scouts Group, Badminton, Baby & Toddlers that are run by the local people for the local communities, on a regular basis and as a 'not for profit' organisation. They are represented as Trustees on the Management Committee or are connected to the hall by agreement. We are always looking for new clubs to be run in the community so please contact the bookings officer if you are interested or have an idea for a local club.
There are three main areas of the Hall to Hire, The Main Hall, The Meeting Room and Whole Building.
Depending on your event, this allows concurrent hiring of the building e.g. Pilates session in the Main Hall whilst a meeting is happening at the same time in the Meeting Room. The Whole Building category is for receptions, parties, weddings or other event which uses all the facilities and would prohibit concurrent hire of the premises with another hirer.
Please refer to the Premises Site Plan on the Bookings and Availability page here to select which area you wish to hire.